How Valentine Day celebrated in Pakistan Are people oppose this day in islamic country

How Valentine Day celebrated in Pakistan Are people oppose this day in islamic country

Pakistan Valentine Day: All over the world, Valentine’s Week is celebrated in a special way by young people who like each other, but in some countries it is seen in a different form. One of them is our neighboring country Pakistan. Actually, this day is celebrated as Haya Day in Pakistan. Also, celebrating this day is prohibited in Pakistan, you may be shocked to know the reason for this.

Why can’t Valentine’s Day be celebrated in Pakistan?
Actually, in Pakistan, Valentine’s Day is considered against the teachings of Islam. Due to which there has always been opposition to it. A Pakistani citizen had filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court in the year 2018. In which it was said that Valentine’s Day was taken from western culture. Also it was said to be against the teachings of Islam. After which the court banned Valentine’s Day in Pakistan. However, this decision was also opposed by some people of Pakistan.

Rally is taken out on Valentine’s Day
In Pakistan, rallies are taken out by social and religious organizations to protest against Valentine’s Day. It is also celebrated as Witch Day and Haya Day. So that the youth can be kept away from this.

In which countries there is a ban on celebrating Valentine’s Day?
Pakistan is not the only country in the world where there is a ban on celebrating Valentine’s Day. Apart from this, youth in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Malaysia also cannot celebrate Valentine’s Day. This culture is considered to be Western civilization and against Islam, due to which Valentine’s Day has been opposed in most Islamic countries.

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